Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bob Dylan on the juke box

When Tony saw the blog yesterday he got all excited and contacted me to say he was coming soon up to help pull that engine.

After a couple of e-mails he decided he's coming Sunday, for a couple of days and wants to get the Honda running, or at the least help work on it some.

So I put Bob Dylan on the juke box (Zune) got the tools out and stripped that baby down carefully and methodically.....taking notes, making sketches, and labeling, and now the engine is ready to come out. All I need is the horse power.

Have I mentioned that "Zen and The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance" isn't really about fixing motorcycles.

1 comment:

  1. I learned a few things... If there's a problem,
    check for gas 1st. Got gas, check for spark.
    Got spark, check for air. Got all three, it can
    probably be made to run. As long as you mind the
    details and work slowly. Also, I learned that
    that guys crazy. And a lot about quality.
